Photo courtesy of the artist

Rocío Carlos



Artist’s Quote

and home is a body / a country is a body / a body of course is a map / a map of course is a poem.


Carlos, Rocío and McLeod Kaminer, Rachel. Attendance. New York: The Operating System, 2018.

Luminary’s Quote

Si eres libre, ése es el precio que tienes que pagar: la soledad. / If you are free, that is the price you must pay: loneliness. – Chavela Vargas


Vargas, Chavela and Cortina, María. Dos vidas necesito. Las verdades de Chavela. Barcelona: Editorial Montesinos, 2012.


Rocío Carlos attends from the land of the chaparral. Born and raised in Los Ángeles, she is widely acknowledged to have zero short term memory but know the names of trees. She is the author of (the other house) (The Accomplices/ Civil Coping Mechanisms), Attendance (The Operating System) and A Universal History of Infamy: Those of This America (LACMA/Golden Spike Press). Her poems have appeared in Chaparral, Angel City Review, The Spiral Orb and Cultural Weekly. She was selected as a 2003 Pen “Emerging Voices” fellow. She collaborates as a partner at Wirecutter Collective and is a teacher of the language arts. Her favorite trees are the olmo (elm) and aliso (sycamore).